Reviewing documents provided by your healthcare team, such as brochures, educational materials, and instructions, is crucial for informed decision-making and optimal health outcomes. These documents often contain valuable information about a health condition, treatment options, and self-care strategies for example. By taking the time to go through them, you empower yourself with knowledge to actively participate in the healthcare journey. You may also come across other important documents (i.e: discharge instructions, lab results, etc) that you wish to share securely with your health team and supporters.

Follow these steps to see the document added by your health team:

  1. Click on the “Resources” tab.
  2. The documents added by your health team will be listed. 
  3. You can choose to open the document in another window or download it for viewing or printing. 

Follow these steps to add your own documents to the Action Plan: 

  1. Click on the “Resources” tab. 
  2. Click “Edit” in the document section. 
  3. Click “Upload documents” and choose a document from your computer or phone. Change the document name if you wish. 
  4. Click “Save”.